M.A.R.C.O otherwise known as Multi Assistant Recon Companion Operational is deployed to places where having a M.A.R.C.O unit is deemed needed, these requirements are "viral threat, unstable people, threat to safety ETC" M.A.R.C.O can be programmed by navigating it's audio menu's.
Containment units are used to contain M.A.R.C.O units until someone or something can find and activate it. Containment units are M.A.R.C.O's homes and should not be removed or it could cause a fatal error causing the M.A.R.C.O to enter a berserk mode and cause destruction and murder until it can build another containment unit.
M.A.R.C.Os can and will absorb speaking styles from people that are around it, as well as mannerisms and tendencies. This can and has included, murdering those that are innoccent, causing destruction when it doesn't get it's way. Be careful how you act around M.A.R.C.O units.
The containment unit has a copper pole on top of it, allowing for to be charged during thunderstorms as well as directing lightning away important structures if the unit was dropped in or near a city.
Some parts of the audio menu's can only be accessed with a password, if you had ordered a M.A.R.C.O unit you would have gotten a password if not you can reset it with the following password: 8797324.
M.A.R.C.O units are loyal to their bitter end, if you tell it to defend you it will with all of it's power and might and if you go against it, it will kill you and or contain you until it no longer functions.
M.A.R.C.O units can download certain software packages to tailor it's work more towards the people it's defending including, building, woodchopping, herding, slaughtering, caring, comforting, mining, explosive clearing, guard duty, weapons making, and farming.
Containment units act as a M.A.R.C.O units home, so if allowed it can decorate it's containment unit based on what packages you have installed.
M.A.R.C.O units can get overwhelmed easily if too many people are attempting to enter commands and will shut down on the spot, then reboot and resume functioning.
M.A.R.C.O units can modify itself with various things to make their tasks easier such as, Elytra, Totems, and Enchantments but they must be provided with these things before they can modify itself.
M.A.R.C.O units are deployed with reasons behind them, when someone finds the unit it will state why it's there and then start it's objective.
M.A.R.C.O units tend to be passive unless the person they are defending is being attacked.
Doctors and directors that are working on the project.